
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

When Local goes Global by Reading.


Nigeria Internet Registration Association unveiled the Nominees for the 2017 .ng Awards. They invited the general public to vote for their preferred choice via the link below to mark the commencemnet of the Annual celebration of the feats of intellectual minds that devote thier time to local thinking with global outlook. To vote, click on the link.

Winners for each category will be determined through online voting and decisions from an array of competent Award Jury selected based on their relevance and expertise. The awards voting process which kick starts from February 20th, 2017, will end on April 3rd, 2017 with a glamorous awards gala scheduled to take place on Friday,April 21st , 2017.

With the selection made from numerous nominations, NiRA congratulates all the nominees for the 2017 .ng Awards and wish them all the best in this race. Every nominee is believed to  be a winner considering the number of capital flight witnessed online when Webmasters decide to register other string that is different from the .ng ccTLD.

The .ng Awards celebrate the achievements and innovation of Nigerian Internet initiatives. The awards aim to showcase Nigerian businesses, individuals, charity, public and private sector organizations which help to make the Internet a more secure, open, accessible and rewarding experience for all.

At the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), they believe in the power of the Internet and are determined that the .ng domain name space is a positive  platform that would impact on the lives of Internet users across the globe. 

It would be wrong not to acknowledge the great work being done by Nigerians and the desire of the public to know about it, talk about it, engage with it and put it into the spotlight. 

The annual .ng Awards is open to any organization or individual whose activity online is outstanding, using the .ng domain name.

Award Criteria
NiRA used the following criteria for the selection of nominees:
  1. ·        Company, organization or individual must have registered and is doing business with a .ng domain name.
  2. ·        The Domain name must have been registered for over 6 months.
  3. ·        The website associated with the domain name must be active on the internet.
      While we await the final outcome of the vote, organizers maybe planning for the voters too. ..just maybe. 

The Danger of Giving Up Social Media Passwords - So Many Other Services Are Connected

"What's the harm in giving up my Twitter password?", you might say, "all someone can do is see my direct messages and post a tweet from me, right?"
Think again. The reality today is that social media services are used for far more than just posting updates or photos of cats. They also act as "identity providers" allowing us to easily login to other sites and services. 
We've all seen the "Login with Twitter" or "Continue with Facebook" buttons on various sites. Or for Google or LinkedIn. These offer a tremendous convenience. You can rapidly sign into sites without having to remember yet-another-password.....
...more? Click here.



Senior Manager, Content and Web Strategy

Internet Society speaks out against proposed password disclosure requirements

Today, the Internet Society, along with 50 organizations and trade associations and nearly 90 individual experts who care deeply about an open, trusted Internet, expressed our deep concerns that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security may require individuals to disclose their social media account passwords as a condition of entry into the United States.  Last week, the new U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security indicated that the U.S. government is considering such a policy as an element of border screening.

We signed onto this statement because we believe that this policy would gravely undermine Internet security and would represent an alarming intrusion on individuals’ rights of expression, opinion and privacy.

Read More here.